Scottish Highlands

(ks_trx_scottish_highlands) Mod
Map Key
  • Start/Finish Line
  • Sector Marking
  • DRS Detection Point
  • DRS Zone
  • Speed Trap

Scottish Highlands Drift

Fantasy Scotland
  • Author: Kunos and modification by
  • Length: 5167
  • Run: clockwise
  • Width: 10
  • Pitboxes: 24
  • Tags: circuit, original, drift, Scotland, Free Roam
  • Year: 2019
  • Geotags: 52° 34′ 16″ N, 1° 02′ 02″ W

The Scottish Highlands is the rugged northern and north-western portion of Scotland. This is the Scotland conjured up by visions of tartan, kilts, Bonnie Prince Charlie and all.


This layout has been used in 0 sessions.

layout_drift Scottish Highlands Drift
layout_int Scottish Highlands
layout_int_traf_left Scottish Highlands + Left Lane Traffic
layout_int_traf_right Scottish Highlands + Right Lane Traffic
layout_long Scottish Highlands Long
layout_short Scottish Highlands Short